Dr. Davide Elmo got his bachelor’s in Engineering Geology from Portsmouth University (UK), and obtained a Ph.D. in Geomechanics from the Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter (UK). I am a registered professional engineer in British Columbia (Canada). My research is related to rock mechanics, rock engineering design, and numerical modelling. I have researched and published on the use of discrete fracture network engineering applied to solve a variety of rock engineering problems, including interaction between surface and underground mining, mechanical behavior of hard rock pillars, slope stability analysis, and block cave mining. Recently, I have started investigating the role that cognitive biases play in both rock engineering design and machine algorithms applied to inductive forms of design. I have introduced the term “behavioural rock engineering”, which refers to the study of the impact of cognitive factors on engineering design decisions based upon a resistance to change and improvement of empirical systems that use qualitative assessments rather than quantitative measurements.
Key research topics:
- Block caving, cave development, subsidence, rock mass fragmentation, fines generation and migration.
- The role of cognitive biases in rock engineering and implications for the adoption of machine learning techniques.
- Improve Characterisation of Systems Connectivity, analysis of slope stability and intact rock bridges, analysis of brittle fracture and damage around tunnels.
- Integration of DFN & Geomechanical/Dynamic Models.
I have worked for more than 13 years as a geotechnical and rock mechanics engineer for consulting companies in Ireland and Canada. To date, I have collaborated to more than 130 technical papers (peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings).
See full list of publications: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=wqNXSpgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Selected Journal Publications (2018-2021)
- Elmo D., D. Stead, Yang B., Marcato G., Borgatti L. 2020. A new approach to characterise the strength of rock bridges. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 10.1007/s00603-021-02488-x.
- Elmo D. and Mitelman A. 2021. Modeling concrete fracturing using a hybrid finite-discrete element method. Computers and Concrete. Vol. 27(4): 297-304.
- Elmo D. and D. Stead. 2021. The role of behavioural factors and cognitive biases in rock engineering. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Vol. 54(1):1-20.
- Dorador L., E. Eberhardt, D. Elmo. 2021. Procedure for estimating broken ore density distribution within a draw column during block caving. Mining Technology (TIMM A). MNT649R1. Accepted on 02 Jan 2021.
- Hekmatnejad A., B. Crespin, A. Opazo, X. Emery, N. Hitschfeld-Kahlerf, D. Elmo. 2020. Investigating the impact of the estimation error of fracture intensity (P32) on the evaluation of in-situ rock fragmentation and potential of blocks forming around tunnels. Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. TUST_103596. Accepted September 2020.
- Karimi L., D. Elmo, D. Stead. 2020. Investigating the factors controlling intact rock damage mechanisms for naturally fractured pillars. Accepted July 2020 in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. In Press.
- Sun H., A Jin, D. Elmo, Y. Gao, S. Wu. 2020. A new empirical approach to calculate ore dilution rates using numerical modelling and upside-down shape theory. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s00603-020-02180-6.
- Liu B, Gao Y., Jin A.J., D. Elmo. 2020. Fracture characteristics of orebody rock with varied grade under dynamic Brazilian tests. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Vol. 53, pp. 2381-2398.
- Tan Y., Elmo D., Zhou Y., Song W., Meng X. 2020. Long-term mechanical behavior and characteristics of cemented tailings backfill through impact loading. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 27(2), pp. 141-151. (corresponding author).
- Donati D., D. Stead, D. Elmo, L. Borgatti. 2019. A preliminary investigation on the role of brittle fracture in the kinematics of the 2014 San Leo landslide. Geosciences Vol. 9(256).
- Tan Y., Xin Y., Elmo D., Xu L., Song W. 2019. Experimental research on the long-term dynamic mechanical properties of cemented tailings backfill under single and cycle impact loading. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 26(4), pp. 404-416.
- Gao F., P. Kaiser., D. Stead, E. Eberhardt, D. Elmo. 2019. Strainburst phenomena and numerical simulation of self-initiated brittle rock failure. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Vol. 116, pp. 52-63.
- Mitelman A., D. Elmo. 2018. Analysis of Tunnel-Support Interaction using an Equivalent Boundary Beam. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology. Vol. 84, pp. 218-226.
- Elmo D., D. Donati and D. Stead. 2018. Challenges in the characterization of rock bridges. Engineering Geology. Vol. 245, pp. 81-96. doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.06.014.
- Yan S., Y. Song, J. Bai, D. Elmo and Y. Xu. 2018. A study on the failure of end-anchored resin rockbolts subjected to tensile load. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Vol. 52, pp. 1917-1930.
- Gao F., P. Kaiser., D. Stead, E. Eberhardt, D. Elmo. 2018. Numerical simulation of strainbursts using a novel distinct element method. Computers and Geotechnics. Vol. 106, pp. 117-127.
- Hekmatnejad A., X. Emery, D. Elmo. 2018. A geostatistical approach to estimating the parameters of a 3D Cox-Boolean discrete fracture network from 1D and 2D sampling observations. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Vol. 113, pp. 183-190.
- Jiang Y. Q., Wua, L. Wang, Z. Sun, D. Elmo, L. Zheng. 2018. Improved method for monitoring shear stress during PFC direct shear tests. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. Volume 48(6).
- Miyoshi T., D. Elmo and S. Rogers. 2018. Influence of the data characterization process on discrete network analyses of fractured rock masses and implications for classification systems. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 10(6), pp. 1046-1062. (corresponding author).
- Karimi L., D. Elmo and D. Stead. 2018. A novel automated approach with performance validation to improve DFN integration for geomechanical analysis. Computer and Geotechnics. Vol. 105. pp. 228-248.
- Hao S., G. Yongtao, D. Elmo, J. Aibing, W. Shunchuan and L. Dorador. 2018. A study of gravity flow based on the upside-down drop shape theory and considering rock shape and breakage. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Vol. 52(3), pp 881-893.
- Nadolski S., C. O’Haran, B. Klein, D. Elmo and C. Hart. 2018. Cave Fragmentation in a Cave-to-Mill Context at the New Afton Mine Part II: Implications on Mill Performance. Submitted to Mining Technology (TIMM A). In Press. DOI 10.1080/25726668.2018.1437334. Vol. 127(3), pp. 155-166.
- Hamdi P., D. Stead, D. Elmo and J. Toyra, J. 2018. Use of an Integrated Finite/Discrete Element Method-Discrete Fracture Network Approach (FDEM-DFN) for Characterizing Surface Subsidence Associated with Sub-Level Caving. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Min. Sciences. Vol. 103, pp. 55-67.
- Schlotfeldt P., D. Elmo and B. Panton. 2018. Overhanging rock slope by design: an integrated approach using rock mass strength characterisation, large scale numerical modelling and limiting equilibrium methods. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering. doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2017.09.008. Vol. 10(1), pp. 72-90. (corresponding author).